Trufflusalt • 100 gr.
Trufflusalt • 100 gr.
Trufflusalt • 100 gr.
Trufflusalt • 100 gr.

Trufflusalt • 100 gr.

2.999 kr Útsala Afsláttur

Gróft sjávarsalt með svartri trufflu. 

"Black Truffle and Fleur de Sel are almost as old as our earth is. Both are traced in ancestry but particularly Black Truffle was first formally described in 1831 and has remained ever since to be “the black diamond of the kitchen” in gourmet international culinary art. The Flower of the Sea is named after the flower-like patterns of crystals in the salt crust on the surface of seawaters as it evaporates.

These two significantly unique ingredients compose our own unique delicacy, the Black Truffle Flower Salt, and feels like we captured the breezy sea inside a jar. Sprinkle a pinch and watch it fall like fresh snowflakes in winter.  The elegant pungent sweet-and-salty flavor highlights every meal."
- Spitiko

• 100% náttúruleg vara án allra aukaefna.

• Spitiko virðir umhverfið og viðskiptavini sína og notar einungis hágæða pakkningar. Þeir nota hágæða gler, sem er málað og silkiprentað, endurnotanlegt, umhverfisvænt og 100% endurvinnanlegt.



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Based on 1 review
Virginija Galinyté

Trufflusalt • 100 gr.